Anger Management/Court Mandated Psychotherapy Sessions
My previous career as a court reporter has led to a specialty in providing private anger management/psychotherapy sessions to clients who have been charged with a first-time assault or offence. Often in these cases, there has been a constellation of circumstances that have led to the incident and similar circumstances are unlikely to recur however once you are in the system that usually doesn't matter. In the case of an assault charge, the current laws make dropping an assault charge difficult for all involved without some action on the part of the accused. Often criminal lawyers will recommend their clients attend anger management/psychotherapy sessions as a show of good intent to the Crown and in some cases, the Crown has already indicated that if a certain number of anger management sessions are undertaken, the charges will likely be withdrawn. Sometimes the Crown will want someone to attend a P.A.R. course if the charge involves a spouse. It's best to check with your lawyer first to ensure that coming for private anger management/psychotherapy sessions with me will satisfy the Crown.
Anger management sessions or psychotherapy sessions related to a criminal offence are one hour in length at a rate of $141.60 + HST = $160 per hour. The number of sessions depends on the nature of the incident and the agreement that your criminal lawyer and the Crown come to. During the sessions, we will explore the incident in detail and identify triggering events that led to the situation unfolding. We will address responsibility and the impact the incident has had on all involved. We will canvass your own relationship with anger and difficult emotions and develop coping mechanisms to deal with those more productively. The therapy work will also focus on increasing your awareness of how you respond to stress and changing old patterns of behaviour that are no longer productive.
At the end of the sessions, I provide a letter to the Crown summarizing the areas focused on in the sessions. The charge for the letter is $199.11 + HST = $225. When there is a criminal charge, a free 15-minute consultation is conducted over the phone.
Psychotherapy and Counselling in Mississauga.
